Proxdize Platform Plans

A detailed description of the software plans we offer at Proxidize alongside a description of the features available with each plan.

At Proxidize, we offer three plans to suit different user needs:

  • Proxidize Free: Designed for proxy enthusiasts and hobbyists, with limited features.

  • Proxidize Personal: Ideal for small to medium enterprises.

  • Proxidize Business: Tailored for large enterprises with extensive proxy use cases.

Below is a table detailing the features available in each plan with their description:

Proxidize Features Description:

Support: Community support is support provided by other Proxidize users and potentially by Proxidize staff. This is completely voluntary support and response, while we provide full support to our Proxidize Business users via phone, email & premium live chat.

Automated HTTP(s) Proxy Creation: The automated creation of an HTTP(s) proxy immediately once a device is connected.

User/Pass Authentication: Authenticating your proxies via username and password.

Cloud Proxy Management Dashboard: The ability to use the Proxidize Cloud Dashboard to manage and view your proxies.

Easy Export & Customize Proxy Format: The ability to change the proxy format when copied

Cloud Router Bypass Port Forwarding: The Proxidize Cloud Router allows you to bypass the need for port forwarding using our innovative Cloud Routers.

Router Allowed Ports: The number of ports that the Cloud Router will open for you, per endpoint. Each phone or USB modem is counted as an endpoint.

Insertion Order Modem Index Locking: The ability to set the modem index by the order of insertion. Where the earliest Connected modem will have the lowest available index.

Store & Read Proxy Logs: The ability to store and read your proxy logs, containing information about websites visited for each request.

Enable/Disable Proxy logs: The ability to enable to disable the proxy logging.

Manual Proxy Log Deletion: The ability to delete your proxy logs manually.

Scheduled Proxy Log Deletion: The ability to schedule the deletion of your proxy logs every X time interval.

Custom Proxy Start Port Value: Set the value of the port from which your proxies want to start from. It only works on Linux devices when the Proxidize Cloud Router is turned off.

Customize Proxy Authentication: The ability to change the default random username and password.

Rotation API via direct URL: The ability to change your IP address using a direct rotation URL.

Read SMS: The ability to read the SMS on your device. - Requires supported carrier & hardware.

Send SMS: The ability to send SMS messages from your cloud dashboard. - Requires supported carrier & hardware.

SOCKs Proxy w/ UDP Support: The ability to use SOCKS proxies with UDP support.

WiFi Backend/Split on Mobile Phones: The ability to split the incoming connections on Android to come from the WIFI While the outgoing connection will still be sent out from the mobile data connection.

Bulk Actions (Rotate/Reboot): The ability to change the IP or reboot endpoints in bulk.

Manual Proxy IP Rotation: The ability to change the IP of an endpoint on click.

Automated Proxy IP Rotation: The ability to automate the IP rotation every X time interval for each or all endpoints.

Customize Proxy DNS: The ability to change the DNS server used by your proxies.

SIM Card Information: The ability to view your SIM card information, such as ICCID or IMSI. - Requires a compatible device with default SMS handler permission enabled.

Reboot Host & Endpoint: The ability to reboot an endpoint or a host. - Does not work on Android, except when the app is set to be a Device Owner.

Randomized Proxy IP Rotation: The ability to add randomization rotation to the interval to be different for each endpoint. - This only applies to Linux for now.

Traffic, Speed & Bandwidth Analytics: The ability to access the analytics page to view the devices uptime, heatmap, data used, bandwidth over time, and more.

Proxy Speed Measurement & Reporting: The ability to test the connection speed on each of your endpoints, and schedule Automated speed tests every X time interval, to keep an accurate record.

Alerts via Discord, Telegram, Slack, & More: The ability to receive custom alerts you create such as host down, endpoint disconnected, etc. And receive the alert on Email, SMS, Slack, Discord, Telegram, etc.

SMS Forwarding: The ability to forward SMS messages to an API endpoint.

IP Address History: The ability to store and retrieve the history of your IP address per endpoint.

Multiple Users on Account: The ability to have multiple users on the same account with different permissions. -This feature is only free in the beta version.

Activity Logs: The ability to monitor the activities of each user on your account.

IPv6 Support: The ability to use IPv6 to create proxies automatically. Requires the country to support IPv4v6 deal stacking.

Proxy IP Authentication: The ability to authenticate your proxies using a source IP address or IP range. This currently only works on the Linux agent when the Cloud Router is disabled.

Change TTL & MTU: The ability to change the TTL and MTU values on your endpoints.

Passive OS Spoofing: The ability to spoof your Passive OS Fingerprint, as detected by p0f, and similar tools. - Currently only supported on the Linux Agent

Physical Location Index Locking: The ability to set the index of each modem on a USB hub to correlate with the physical number of the port on the USB hub. - Linux agent only with Proxidize official hardware.

USB Port Map: The ability to view a visual map showing the location and status of each modem on your USB hub. - Linux agent only with Proxidize official hardware.

USSD: The ability to send USSD commands from your dashboard. - Requires supported carrier & hardware.

Onboarding Expert Help: Free expert onboarding call included. Onboarding rules apply.

Keep Alive Engine (Sticky IPs): The ability to prevent the IPs from changing for much longer than usual. - Requires supported carrier & hardware.

Proxy Pooling (Round Robin): The ability to create a single proxy that rotates through your modems with every new request based on a round-robin balancing.

Load Balancing (Proxy pools w/ least conn): The ability to create a single proxy that rotates through your modems with every new request based on a round-robin based on the lowest load prioritization.

SIM PIN Control: The ability to remove the PIN lock of your SIMs. - Requires supported hardware. Currently, only the Proxidize MX2 is supported.

Smart Power Controls: The ability to connect to smart power adapters or extension cords and reboot different components directly from the Proxidize dashboard. - Linux Only

Delete All SMS Messages: The ability to delete all the SMS messages on an endpoint. - Works on Linux & Android, but requires default SMS handler permission on Android.

Custom Endpoint Nickname: The ability to give a custom name or "nickname" to each endpoint on your account.

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