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High availability

Learn how to enable High Availability on the Proxidize dashboard to ensure 99% modem uptime, and get support if needed.

Sofia Al-Silawi avatar
Written by Sofia Al-Silawi
Updated over a week ago

This article provides a detailed description on enabling High availability which is a feature that enhances the modem's uptime. A solution crafted to maintain optimal functionality for all modems, ensuring an impressive 99% uptime.

Dashboard Access

  • Access the dashboard and navigate to the "Settings" tab

A screenshot of the Proxidize Dashboard

View "Proxy settings"

  • If the high availability option under this tab is "disabled" , clicking "change" will enable the feature

    High availability - Proxidize Dashboard


    High Availability enabled - Proxidize Dashboard

If you face any issues with enabling High Availability, please contact our support team via the live chat on the website

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